Changing the world... one youth at a time!

Educational Scholarship

Educational Scholarship

The Teen Graffiti Education Scholarship program was initiated by “Teen Graffiti” magazine. Teen Graffiti felt that by rewarding this scholarship it would began to make a difference in the lives of students. Therefore, Teen Graffiti is sponsoring a scholarship for the purpose of encouraging youth to strive for academic excellence beyond high school.


Teen Graffiti is committed to the growth and development of all youth. We engage in programs designed to enhance the educational, cultural and social experiences of students.


We are offering this scholarship to a graduating high school senior. Scholarship criteria ranges from a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average to an acceptable SAT/ACT score (if applicable). Additionally, students must be actively involved in leadership roles in their school and/or community.


Applications for scholarship may be submitted year-round.  Deadline to submit scholarship applications is May 31st for consideration for current year scholarships. Notification of award will be forwarded to the Scholarship Recipient no later than June 15.  Award amount will be announced.


Student will receive the scholarship based on criteria as outlined by scholarship sponsor.


Forward Application To:
Teen Graffiti Annual Scholarship
P.O. Box 452721
Garland, Texas 75045-2721

Click here to download Teen Graffiti’s Scholarship Application.

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